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Ravenstone Primary School


Assemblies take place once a day throughout the week. 


Each Friday there is a Celebration Assembly to which all parents are invited.

We divide the school into two groups, with one class from each year group attending assemblies in different halls (middle hall and lower hall). This arrangement alternates each term to accommodate siblings being in the same hall at least once a year.

The Showing assembly provides a platform to showcase outstanding work from across the school. Classes take turns to present, with two or three children from each class chosen to showcase their work.

During the assembly, we recognize students with certificates, each focusing on different aspects of school life:

  • Values award: Presented to one child per class who has exemplified a school value that week.
  • Curriculum award: Given to one child per class who has demonstrated an area of our curriculum intent, showcasing personal growth, support for others, or future development.

During the week, additional assemblies are held:

  • Music assembly - Tuesday
  • Senior Leader assembly - Wednesday

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