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Ravenstone Primary School

Welcome to Year 5 

The Year 5 team:

5M Class Teacher email: 

5G Class Teacher email: 

 Teaching Assistants are Sarah 

Please see below for our class timetables

 5G timetable:

Timetable for download

5M timetable:

Timetable for download

Please note:

  • PE: 5M and 5G will have PE on Tuesday with Morris. The previous Thursday PE slot with the class teacher is now swimming. Wear school uniform on swimming days.
  • PE kits - Should only be worn on Tuesday PE lessons.
  • Snacks: Year 5 children are provided with a healthy snack (a piece of fruit) from school. Healthy snacks can of course be provided from home as well. 
  • Water: Please encourage your child to bring a water bottle daily. Moving towards the Spring and into the Summer, this will be increasingly important.
  • Homework: The homework book will be given out every Friday with a deadline of the following Wednesday to allow for marking. Please note - homework handed in late may not be marked before the new homework is issued.


Research suggests that children ages 9-10 should read for 30 minutes per day. Whilst we understand this is not always possible, reading is hugely important to children's academic, social and emotional health. 

Children should read from a variety of genres and should discuss and answer questions about their reading.

Looking for reading inspiration? Here are 100 recommended reads for 9-10 year olds:



The Year 5 Maths curriculum is engaging and rigorous, and relies on quick and accurate mathematical recall. Each child has a Times Table Rock Stars account, which should be used to build fluency in timestables (up to 12x12) and related division facts. 

We also have Maths Fluency lessons in school, which further support children's automaticity in these facts. 

Curriculum Overview

Our Curriculum Overview for 2024-25

yearly curriculum overview template 24 25 sheet1.pdf

 This is a reminder that children need to come into school in the correct school uniform. Correct uniform is as follows:

  • Navy jumper or cardigan- school logo not required.
  • Navy blue skirt/trousers/shorts/pinafore (no joggers or jeans).
  • Black/Navy shoes shoes (no logos).
  • Completely Black or Navy trainers for PE.