Spring 2, Week 2: 3rd - 7th March 2025
Weekly Review
World Book Day was the highlight of the week and wow - we were amazed with the creativity that had gone into all of the costumes. The children (and adults!) looked amazing. We enjoyed a day filled with book-related activities, reading for pleasure and a lovely walk to Backstory where we exchanged our book tokens. We also enjoyed our trip to the library on Monday!
Science continues to be a hit - this week 6T looked at how switches work and made their own pressure switches. 6D will do this next week!
Chris, our school's PATHS coach and representative from Barnardo's, was in school and joined us for our PATHS lessons, which were all about ways we can show respect to our local community.
We've really enjoyed this week's Maths learning: a short but sweet unit all about position and direction. We've looked at coordinates, shapes and how to translate and reflect shapes in all four quadrants.
We planned narratives this week all about Heracles' 13th labour. We started writing our first paragraphs, setting the scene and creating atmosphere. We'll carry on next week - watch this space!

- Spring 2, Week 2 - boosters continue
- Parent Workshops
- Rights Respecting Schools - 27th March
- SDP Update and Using PATHS for Social & Emotional Development - 30th April
- Equality Diversity and Inclusion - 8th May
- Mastering Number: securing additive and multiplicative fluency - 3rd June