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Ravenstone Primary School

Home Learning

Purpose of Homework

The purpose of homework at Ravenstone is to provide opportunities for parents to be involved in their child’s learning.

It enables children to practise and consolidate skills and aims to broaden the context of learning and provide enrichment and extension. Finally, it aims to enable children to take responsibility for their own learning, to become independent learners and to develop perseverance.

Reading will be at the heart of home learning at Ravenstone and will start from the child’s time in Nursery.

Good practice At Ravenstone

Ravenstone’s home learning policy aims to provide parents with an opportunity to engage with children’s learning. The aim of the work set is to strengthen family interaction and time spent together.

Homework at Ravenstone should not be or become

  • Stressful or overly time consuming
  • Work that takes vastly over the expected amount of time to complete
  • Endless calculations
  • Work set outside of the curriculum age group


Have an important role in supporting children’s efforts.

They need to be aware of what homework is set and provide both encouragement and an appropriate environment for its completion. More detailed information on the curriculum the children will be learning is outlined on the school website under ‘Age Related Expectations’.

Parents also have the responsibility to read with and engage with their children’s reading and signing their home school reading record.

Weekly homework sheet across the school

Reception to Year six will receive a weekly homework sheet that outlines what the children have learnt this week.

Tasks to be completed, a space for parents to tick to say they have read with their child, parent voice section and a literacy task for Year 3 to 6.

Fluency Booklets 

The children’s fluency booklets will go home with them at the start of every term. This will provide children with a short 10 minute daily task.

These tasks will link to the curriculum and age related expectations. The requirement is that children will complete the daily task and bring the booklet into school to mark as a class on Friday.

Creative/Project Homework

Each half term, all the children will be set a creative piece of homework that the children will work on over the half term.

This creative project homework will link to topic or text the children are studying.


Early Years

Year Group



  • Daily Story time (approx. 10 mins) and project based work


  • 30 minutes spent on suggested activity
  • Daily reading 10 mins

Key Stage 1

Year Group


Year 1 and Year 2

  • 10 minutes reading daily
  • 5 to 10 minutes on the daily maths task
  • 20 minutes spelling over the week
  • Mathletics as and when
  • Working on research and project work

Key Stage 2

Year Group


Year 3 and Year 4

  • 15 minutes daily reading
  • 10 minutes on daily maths task
  • 20 minutes over the week on literacy task
  • Working on research and project work
  • Mathletics as and when

Year 5 and Year 6

  • 20 – 30 minutes daily reading
  • 10 minutes daily on maths task
  • 30 minutes over the week on the Literacy task
  • Working on research and project work
  • Mathletics as and when


How can parents find out more information about homework?

Each year group will provide parent’s with a topic overview, which will outline the topics being covered during the term.

To help with organisation all homework will be sent out on the same day for each year group.

A consistent homework template will be used from reception to year six to help support consistency and organization.  

Maths booklets will be due in on Friday and go back home on the same day.

The weekly review will also outline the weekly literacy homework and have information around the half termly creative homework.

Teachers will have different systems for handing in homework and they will tell parents and children about this at the beginning of the year.

If parents need advice on how to support their children with homework then they can speak to the child’s class teacher.