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Ravenstone Primary School




Reception Weekly Review

Friday 7th  March 2025

  Prime Areas

(Physical Development, Understanding the World, Communication and Language, Expressive Arts and Design and Personal, Social and Emotional Development). 

It was really lovely for us to meet with so many of you at Parents Evening this week and we loved having the time to talk about your child’s progress and strengths. Thank you all for coming and for your support. The Garden Centre role play area was very popular again this week and brilliantly enhanced by our observational paintings of daffodils for St David’s Day.  It was a pleasure to welcome our Student Teacher, Ms Lashai Banton to RC and we feel very lucky to have her join our team.  However, the undeniable highlight of the week was dressing up for World Book Day. We had such fun exploring ‘The Journey’ by Aaron Becker which was celebrated by the whole school to mark this occasion. Thank you for your support and creativity with the children’s costumes.

It was a total pleasure for RC spend some time reading in the library with their 'Buddy Class' 4L in the library this afternoon and the children loved sharing stories with the older ones.  


This week in PATHs we explored the uncomfortable feelings of disappointed and jealous. We looked at the facial expressions and body gestures associated with these feelings and thought about when we may have experienced them. As ever, we talked about how to ‘Do Turtle’ to help us to regulate in instances of feeling these emotions.  


This week we finished our work on Eco Girl, by Ken Wilson-Max, as part of our overall theme of ‘Growing’. For their writing task each child chose one special person from their lives to write about and these were heart-warming to read. This activity was inspired by the main character Eve, whose special person was her grandmother. Thank you to all the parents who sent in pictures of their child’s special person to help this task. The children also labelled their pictures of daffodils and in doing so learnt many new words including corona and spathe.


This week in Phonics was assessment week. Each child worked on a one-to-one basis with their teachers to track their Phase 3 learning. We were very impressed. In our lessons we reviewed the GPCs that have been harder for the children to grasp, especially the digraphs ear, air and igh. We also took the opportunity to consolidate the sight recognition of the nine Tricky Words that the children have learnt since January. We spent a lot of time reviewing how to read longer words. Do ask your child about how they ‘chunk it up’! Reading Practice was a pleasure as always and we will readjust the groups next week based on our assessments.


This week we worked on making comparisons with quantities.  Language was a key focus and we worked on using ‘more than’, ‘less than’ and ‘equal to’ to describe the relationships between numbers. This week, ‘less than’ was used instead of ‘fewer than’ as the focus was on each number’s position in the counting sequence.

Information and Key Dates


Please remember we close the door in the morning promptly at 8.45 to start teaching a carpet session. If the door is closed please take your child and their belongings round to the main office. We are very sorry that we have such little time to talk to parents in the morning as the children really do need support with settling and we appreciate that you are kindly be mindful of this. Thank you

 Key Dates

Thursday 13th March - POLKA theatre trip (children need a packed lunch please)

Monday 24th March - Internal visit from poet Valerie Bloom

Friday 4th April - Final day of Spring 2 - 1pm finish.

 We hope you have a lovely weekend. 

  Miss Roborgh, Mrs Cunningham, Tara and Angie 



 Things we need



Do you have any of the following?

  • Plastic bottle tops
  • Boxes – large and small
  • toilet rolls
  • egg cartons
  • cardboard boxes
  • plastic bottles
  • yoghurt pots
  • bubble wrap
  • newspapers and magazines
  • shells
  • CD
  • recyclable straws
  • Buttons

If you have any of these, we would love to have them.  Thanks