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Ravenstone Primary School

Wrap around care

Breakfast Club is currently provided by Ravenstone School Staff, and Afterschool Wrap Around Care is provided by Schools Out Club

Breakfast Club

Breakfast Club is open to Ravenstone Children from Reception to Year 6, and is run in the Lower Hall by Ravenstone staff. Drop off is from 7.30am. At 8.30am children attending Breakfast Club will be walked round to their classrooms.

The cost for each Breakfast Club session is £7.50 per child, and must be booked in advance and paid for online via ParentMail.

Breakfast is served until 8am and consists of cereal/fruit/toast with toppings and fruit juice/milk/water to drink.

Booking is made through your ParentMail app, under the 'Accounts' section. Please click here for our terms and conditions.

After School Wrap Around Care

School’s Out Club runs our After School provision, from the end of school until 6:30pm.

School’s Out Club is a leading provider of Wrap Around care for primary school aged children, offering high quality childcare delivered in a safe and supervised environment. Our qualified staff are DBS checked to an enhanced level and have the following training processes in place: safeguarding, first aid, prevent, equality & diversity, food hygiene and health & safety. Staff are experienced and are passionate about the service we provide.

All of our clubs follow the principles of playwork and offer lots of free play and free choice activities. Children can try a range of activities including arts & crafts, sports and they can enjoy a variety of toys and games that are available daily.

A balanced tea is provided daily, through a planned menu and we are able to meet the dietary needs of all children.

Sibling discounts are available (on a 12 month contract) and childcare vouchers and tax free childcare are also accepted. School’s Out Club is OFSTED registered.


All prices and timings for before and afterschool care are on the website at:

Schools Out After School Club

Holiday Club

During the school holidays, we provide care for children aged 3 - 11 years. The club opens each morning at 8:00am and closes at 6:30pm. We provide children that arrive before 9:00 am with breakfast and all of the children are given a mid-morning snack and afternoon tea. All children are required to bring a packed lunch each day.

Each day the children follow planned, prepared fun activities including table top and floor activities, arts & crafts, outdoor play, coached sports sessions and day trips. Our holiday club is packed full of fun and includes trips out to many of London's museums, commons, parks, adventure playgrounds and in the summer includes the beach!

The above is provided for one flat rate fee, with no additional costs for breakfast, snacks, tea or trips.

We provide holiday care every School holiday apart from the Christmas period.

All prices and timings for holiday care are on the website at:

Schools Out Holiday Club



For further information contact Charlotte Hendley-Webb via email at:,  or visit our website at