Nursery Weekly Review
Spring 2: Week 2 - 3rd March 2025
Weekly Review
Welcome back! We hope you had a wonderful half term break.
Our busy week in Nursery!
St David’s Day.
The week started with Mr Downey(YR3),visiting and sharing his knowledge.
We worked on ‘r’ and had a go at blending. The rhyming bug has hit Nursery and they love this!
We recapped on number 5, using numicon & objects. Then we had a go making five in different ways.
We sang five little speckled frogs.
Activity at home: Can you find other ways to make five?
Our topic on ‘ growing’.
The children having been busy planting beans & seeds. They know they have to wait patiently.
World Book Day.
The children loved dressing up in their favourite character and we were able to share books with both Year 5 classes. (What a lovely experience).
Key dates and information
Trip to Ecology Centre - Monday March 17th ( letter to follow).
Thankyou for your continued support.
Have a lovely weekend.
Mrs Williams Bea & Muftuha.
Little Wandle Foundations
On Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday , all the children will have a 15 minute carpet session in small groups. Over the year, this will cover nursery rhymes, name recognition, initial sounds, blending, rhyming and alliteration.
Have a look on the web site for more information.