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Ravenstone Primary School

 Weekly Review: 03.07.2025 - 07.03.25

Important Dates/Information:


Internal Visit from Benjamin Franklin House - Thursday, 15th May

The Human Body – Pupils learn about the history of the bones that were discovered in the Benjamin Franklin House basement and their role in the history of medicine. Pupils will focus on the human skeleton to successfully identify the major bones of the body. To consolidate their learning, each pupil will then create their own diagram of the human skeleton to take home or go on display in the classroom!


PE - Tuesdays with Morris and Wednesdays with Class Teacher

Homework - Due in on the 12.03.2025


Last week, we finished our unit on the column addition method and we are extremely proud of the children for being able to exchange twice, solve complex problems and answer challenging reasoning questions. This week we started learning the four times tables and we looked at how knowing the 2, 5 and 10-times tables can help us with the four times tables i.e. If we know that 10 x 4 =40, to find the answer to 9 x 4, we need to subtract four from 40 to give us 36.
Connect the 4 and 8 times tables | Multiplication| Year 3

To finish our immersion phase, we wrote a set of instructions on how to make a jam sandwich or how to brush your teeth before making positive affirmation cards. During our sentence stacking phase, we looked at the first section of a set of instructions where we worked on the title, rhetorical questions, complex sentences, bullet points and the use of brackets. positive affirmations 2024 - Care Coalition Arizona

In PATHS this week, Chris (who is our PATHS mentor) visited every class and taught alongside Mr Downey and Ms Ahmad. We discussed the feelings of surprise and how this can be a comfortable feeling and an uncomfortable feeling.

Kid Shocked Face Images – Browse 55,191 Stock Photos, Vectors, and Video |  Adobe Stock

 Year 3 - World Book Day

World Book Day | Publishing Scotland

Today, was World Book Day and we celebrated by dressing up as our favourite characters, writing words to a wordless picture book, drawing a world where the imaginary door in the book Journey would take you, reading with Year 1 in the sun, writing a book review and competing in a World Book Day Quiz.


Have a go at the World Book Day Quiz yourself. 

world book day quiz.pdf

 Here are picture from our fabulous day:

weekly updates 1 .pdf

 Here is Ricky and Amina's story:

amina mohammed 3d world book day activities 2025.pdf


 -Values -

3D - We are very proud of Chahinez for always having a positive and happy attitude for her learning. 

3A - We are very proud of Theo for being so determined by working hard on the Maths challenges and for his recent hard work on TTRockstars. 


3D - We are very proud of Ellena for writing the missing words for the story of Journey.

3A - We are very proud of Billy for going the extra mile in Maths this week. 

-Happy Friday-

3D - Finn: You deserve this because you have focused so well in class and you have contributed a lot all week.

3A  - Juliette: You deserve this because of your growing confidence in yourself and your learning. 


Times Tables Rock Stars

Every week, a battle between 3D and 3A has been set. The winning team will earn themselves 10 minutes of extra play on Friday. 

The winning class this week is 3D. 

 St John's Catholic Primary School - Timestable Rockstars

Top scorers from 3D!


A special mention to Josephine for such an improvement this week!


National Multiplication Tables Check

The multiplication tables check (MTC) is statutory for all Year 4 pupils in England.

The purpose of the MTC is to determine whether pupils can recall their times tables fluently, which is essential for future success in mathematics. It will help schools to identify pupils who have not yet mastered their times tables, so that additional support can be provided. 

The following website is a great tool to help children get used  to the layout and timings of the test:

To find out more, about the MTC, click on the following link:

Rights Respecting School

Rights Respecting Schools Featured Image - Rights Respecting Schools AwardRights Respecting Schools - Hartburn Primary School

We are a Rights Respecting School and we believe every child, young person and the school community should learn about children’s rights, putting them into practice every day. We hope that this will have a positive impact on children's lives by making:

-Children healthier and happier
-Children feel safe
-Children have better relationships
-Children become active and involved in school life and the wider world




If you need to contact us about anything, please speak to us in person at the end of the school day or email us directly to:

Mr Downey -

Miss Ahmad -


Thank you for your support this week and enjoy the weekend!
Mr Downey and Miss Ahmad