Year 2 Weekly Review
Weekly Review
Maths - This week expanded our multiplication knowledge by counting in tens and fives. Just like last week we focused on understanding the different parts of the equations and identifying the factors and the product. We started to look at the links between the multiples of five and ten.
English - This week, we turned our attention further north as we learnt facts about the world's fastest land animal. We used our sentence stacking to edit and improve on Mr Davidson’s work while making our own non-chronological reports about the Cheetah. Next week, we will head south again as the children use all they have learnt so far to write their own non-chronological reports about the magnificent Emperor Penguin.
Paths - This week we discussed how we could make friends and what to do if we are feeling lonely. We also talked about the uncomfortable emotion, shy. This is when we want to be around other people but also feel afraid of what it could mean.
Extra - Thank you to the parents who supported 2D on our trip to Pizza Express. 2M will be going on their trip in a couple of weeks so we will be sending out information soon.
2D and Aminah
Elijah and Keola
Happy Friday
Maggie and Laurie
Work of the week
Pizza perfection and Skip counting in 5s
Reading for pleasure: Children are welcome to bring in books from home to read during our reading for pleasure sessions on Thursdays.
PE: Students will need to bring their P.E kit on both Tuesday and Wednesday.
Snacks: Year 2 children are all provided with a healthy snack (a piece of fruit) from school we do encourage them to eat it as they do get hungry before lunch.
Water: Please encourage your child to bring a water bottle daily.
Homework: Homework books will be given out every Friday with an expectation to be returned on the following Tuesday to allow for marking. Please note - homework handed in late it may not be marked before the new homework is issued.
Reading Books: This will be sent home on a Friday and will need to be returned the following Monday. If these are not returned you will be required to pay (£5) for a replacement copy.
Coats: Please ensure your child is bring a coat to school every day as the weather is unpredictable and we will be going out in light rain.
Timetables: These have been update on the Year Two information page.
Curriculum Overview: Last Year’s Curriculum Overview is currently up on the Year Two information page. This document is in the process of being updated and we will replace the old one as soon as we have finished it.
If you have any questions or queries please do not hesitate to contact us.
We hope you have a fantastic weekend and we look forward to seeing you next week.
Mr Davidson, Miss Morris, Alison, Samantha & Sue