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Ravenstone Primary School

Ravenstone Entitlement

We believe that educational visits are an integral part of the curriculum and learning experience for every child.

Appropriately planned visits and visitors, as well as Theme Days, enhance and enrich learning and improve attainment, and so form a key part of what makes Ravenstone Primary School a supportive, effective and exciting learning environment.

At Ravenstone as part of the 'Ravenstone Entitlement' your child will experience the following at least once every term;

  • An external trip – Every child will visit an educational establishment at least once a term e.g. a museum/art gallery/farm
  • An Internal visit – Every child will experience an additional internal educational experience at least once a term. This could include an external visitor or a workshop to enrich the already creative curriculum
  • A Showcase Day – On the showcase day, children from across the school will bring work to the lower hall . The work they have done over the half term will be evident, and children will be selected to talk about it. Each curriculum showcase day will have a particular theme, which is likely to be initially curriculum subject based. Children from across the rest of the school will be timetabled to visit the showcase and parents will be invited when this becomes possible.
  • Celebration Day - A chance for the school to come together to recognise a particular religious, cultural or nationally significant day. Curriculum opportunities within classrooms, workshops or whole school assemblies would be used to mark this day. Internal visitors might be arranged and a community event could take place. Each event would differ depending on what is being acknowledged, and these will be scheduled on a half terminally basis throughout the year.

Please see the links below to see the exciting opportunities that have taken place and those up coming:

Additional information

Offsite school visits come in a variety of different shapes and sizes, from simple trips to local shops to multi-day overseas trips. Planning is an essential part of any visit.

This short guide will highlight the responsibilities of schools and the procedure (click here to download)

Permissions and advice from LA

Written consent from parents is not required for pupils to take part in the majority of off-site activities organised by a school (with the exception of nursery age children) as most of these activities take place during school hours and are a normal part of a child’s education at school. However, parents should be told where their child will be at all times and of any extra safety measures required.

Written consent is usually only requested for activities that need a higher level of risk management or those that take place outside school hours.

Parents must be told in advance of each activity and must be given the opportunity to withdraw their child from any particular school trip or activity covered by the form. This information can always be found by downloaded our entitlement document, by viewing dates and reading the weekly newsletter.