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Ravenstone Primary School

Residential Trips

At Ravenstone we believe in the importance and value of 'experience' and 'hands on learning'. 

This is why we have three residential trips through key stage two. This is on top of our termly Ravenstone Entitlement offer. 

We do this because...

-Enrichment opportunities provide children with opportunities to develop their independence and social skills while also developing their cultural capital and understanding of the world around them.

-Residential trips in a primary school start to prepare the children (in a safe and age appropriate way) for their transition into secondary.

- Residential trips develop confidence building, they are fun and they provide a chance to strengthen relationships

-To allow for children to learn in a hands on way.

The school’s provision


-Ravenstone Entitlement for every year group (trip, internal visit and community showcase day)

- Five Day residential to Wick Court Farm in year 4 and 5  - 

-Five Day residential to PGL in year 6