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Ravenstone Primary School

Useful Ideas

Our playdough recipe

  • 2 cups of plain flour
  • 2 cups of water
  • 1 cups of salt
  • 2 tablespoons of oil
  • 2 teaspoons of cream of tartar
  • food colouring

1. Mix the food colouring with the water

2, Place all ingredients into an old pan

3, Over a low heat, mix together.  It will seem like it is lumpy but keep mixing until it all comes together.  Have fun!


Picture books

Pictures books are excellent for all ages as they build on key reading skills such as inference.  Do not be afraid of using picture books to improve reading skills and language skills.

'Making inferences in reading is a crucial skill that must be mastered for a reader to have real comprehension. Making inferences involves reading the text and recalling prior experiences that are similar to what you are reading. Then, you use context clues from the text to draw a logical conclusion about what might happen next.'


Below is a link to a video of the technique we use to help the children put their coat on independently.  Please feel free to talk to one of us if you need any help.
