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Ravenstone Primary School

Sports Premium

Sports Funding

At Ravenstone PE and Sport are a very important part of school life.

Our children receive a high standard of teaching in a wide range of P.E. activities. Through Physical Education we aim to enable pupils to develop co-ordination, strength, stamina and skill and to promote spatial awareness, intelligent reactions to situations and appreciation of physical excellence.

The children at Ravenstone, experience a wide range of physical activities, this includes cricket, tennis, tag rugby, football, gymnastics, games and specialist teaching for athletics, swimming and dance.

We strongly believe in the positive effects of sport and exercise on children’s physical health, growth and development. We believe that through participation in sport and physical education, young people learn more about key values such as teamwork, fair play and respect for themselves and others, acceptance of responsibility, loyalty, cooperation, determination and tolerance. Sport also provides a healthy environment for young people to learn how to deal with competition and cope with both winning and losing.


At Ravenstone we believe that swimming is a fantastic skill for our children to learn and we are committed to children swimming weekly from year 4 to year 6. Our aim is for children to swim confidently and unaided to at least 25m.


71% of children could swim 25 metres unaided,

71% of children could swim a variety of strokes and perform a rescue. 

Government funding

The government is providing an extra £150 million of annual funding for sports

The aim of this funding is to improve the Physical Education (PE) and Sports programs offered by primary schools, and is provided jointly by various governmental departments, including Education, Health and Culture, and Media and Sport. Although the funding will be allocated to primary school head teachers, it will be ‘ring fenced’ – this means it can only be spent specifically on PE and sport in schools.

Click here for a link to the Department of Culture, Media and Sport's information pages.

Purpose of Funding

Schools must spend the additional funding on improving their provision of PE and sport, though how they do this remains their decision.

The government funding for P.E has allowed us to do the following: use of specialist external coaches. Fund a specialist sports coordinator, transportation to and from competitions both as competitors and spectators, kit for teams entering competitions, new equipment to raise the quality of teaching and learning, use of Tooting Bec Athletics Track on a Saturday for selected children in the athletics team and whole school sports day.

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