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Ravenstone Primary School

School Day

Our approach involves a thoughtful consideration of how to make the most of our time with the children, ensuring that they have every opportunity to reach their full potential. As a school, we prioritize tailoring our school day to meet the specific needs of our students. To achieve this, we have developed personalized timetables for each phase of the school. 


Parents/carers can walk through the playground and drop their children at their year door, as shown on the map below. The school gates open at 08:30. Children are welcome into class between the following times:


Reception, Years 1 and 2:            Between 08:30 and 08:45

Years 3, 4, 5 and 6:                       Between 08:30 and 08:45

Nursery:                                         Between 08:45 and 09:00

Hive:                                               Drop off is at 08:45 (no soft opening)


If your child arrives at school after the times shown above, they must be brought to the School Office to sign in. They will be marked as late. 


We will operate a red zone from 15:00 – 15:20, to allow us to dismiss pupils safely. After 15:20, the red zone will be removed and people can walk through the playground to leave by whichever gate they would like. Dismissal times are as below: 

Nursery:                                         15:00 – Elmfield Road Zone (Nursery Gate)

Reception:                                     15:10 – Elmfield Road Zone

Year 1 & 2:                                     15:10 – Ravenstone Street Zone

Year 3 & 4:                                     15:15 – Elmfield Road Zone

Year 5 & 6:                                     15:15 – Ravenstone Street Zone

Hive:                                               15:00 – Ravenstone Street Zone


Siblings will be taken to the correct zone by staff. If you have siblings, please go to your youngest/earliest child’s collection zone and wait for your other children to join you. For example, siblings in Years 3 and 6 will both be collected from the Elmfield Road Zone. Siblings will be dismissed with their year group, and not earlier.


Our school offers extended wrap-around care, beginning as early as 7:30 AM and concluding at 6:30 PM. For detailed information about our before and after-school programs, please visit this link:

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