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Ravenstone Primary School


Year 4 Weekly Review Spring 2 Week 2

We've had a fantastic week! Our highlight was 0n Tuesday, when we journeyed into the City of London to participate in a workshop on the North bank of The River Thames. There  we mudlarked for bones, teeth, pottery and clay cigars while learning interesting facts about them as well as discovering the different era they were from. A fabulous time was had by all, with some even calling it the best trip ever. It was a pleasure to see parents and carers on Wednesday and Thursday to talk about our children and share their progress. The week ended on a high with reading activities enjoyed by all. 

English:   The Creature  - Independent Write 

  In English this week, we recapped all that we have learned about the features of an exciting newspaper article, planned what our articles were going to be about and immersed ourselves in the world of  reporters ensuring that our own articles were engaging. The children did a very good job and left us very impressed with their efforts. 

Mathematics: Connection multiplication and division, and the distributive law

In Maths this week, we continued exploring the distributive law, focusing on how it applies to multiplying and dividing by 10 and 100. Students worked on understanding how numbers can be broken down and adjusted when multiplied or divided, making calculations quicker and easier. It’s been a great week of building mathematical skills and getting more confident with these important concepts!

Photos from the week







Your child’s weekly homework can be found in their homework book. Here's what's included:

  • Handwriting Practice: Focus on improving neatness and letter formation.
  • Vocabulary: Explore new words to expand their knowledge.
  • Daily Reading: Encourage your child to read daily and discuss what they've learned.
  • English Task: Recount of the trip to the river Thames.
  • Maths Task: Practice multiplying and dividing by 10 and 100.
  • Times Table Rockstars: Log in and continue to strengthen times table skills through fun practice sessions.
  • Optional Task: This week, there’s a creative activity exploring Ramadan. 

All homework is due by Wednesday. Thank you for supporting your child’s learning      


  Toys From Home

Due to incidences in the playground, we have decided to prohibit toys from being brought into school from home. The children have a number of playground resources to use and structured games to  play during break and lunchtime. We are looking forward to seeing the children making the most of these resources and enjoying their playtimes.                             

Key Dates

  • 24.03.25 - Author Visit - Valerie Bloom

Parent Workshops

  • Rights Respecting Schools - 27th March
  • SDP Update and Using PATHS for Social & Emotional Development - 30th April 
  • Equality Diversity and Inclusion - 8th May
  • Mastering Number: securing additive and multiplicative fluency - 3rd June

Certificate Winners 

4B                           4L 

 Curriculum:                                        Harrison                Cade

Values:                                                    Ayaan                    Isla

Happy Friday:                                        Sam                  Madison

School Uniform

This is a reminder that children need to come into school in the correct school uniform. Correct uniform is as follows:
  • Navy jumper or cardigan with school logo
  • Navy blue skirt/trousers/shorts/pinafore (no joggers, leggings or jeans)
  • Black/Navy shoes (no logos)
Further details of correct uniform can be found here: Order-uniform/. If your child comes in to school without proper uniform, we will contact you to ask you to bring in whatever item of clothing they are missing. Please also make sure your child's uniform is clearly labelled with their full name. Any unlabelled uniform will be placed in the lost property box, and will be donated to FoR's second hand uniform sale if not collected after a month. 

Rights Respecting School