Year 4 Weekly ReviewSpring 1 Week 2 13.01.25- 17.01.25
Wick Court Farm and Chicken Week It's been an amazing week both away as well as at school and we hope that all children have had a wonderful time and created some lovely memories. We are looking forward to see the classes 'reunited' with their peers and teachers next week.
English: New text - n/aMathematics: n/aAOB:
Toys From Home Due to incidences in the playground, we have decided to prohibit toys from being brought into school from home. The children have a number of playground resources to use and structured games to play during break and lunchtime. We are looking forward to seeing the children making the most of these resources and enjoying their playtimes. Key Dates3rd February - How do we provide challenge for our children? This will include a live lesson 14th February - End of Term 24th February - Spring 2 Starts 27th March - Rights Respecting Schools Certificate Winners4B 4L Curriculum: Mariam Values: All All Happy Friday: Kodi Isla School UniformThis is a reminder that children need to come into school in the correct school uniform. Correct uniform is as follows:
Rights Respecting School |