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Ravenstone Primary School


Communication at Ravenstone

The purpose of this document is to outline exactly how we communicate with parents and other stakeholders in the Ravenstone community. The table below details all of our communication methods and what it tells you. Below this we explain how we gain permission for trips and what we ask from parents.


Key Source of information

How you find it

What it tells you

Weekly newsletter

Sent out every Friday via parent mail and is stored on the website

·       All dates for the whole term

·       Weekly update from Headteacher

·       Any specific messages from office

·       A special mention of success

·       Attendance update

·       Update from a leader

·       Stars of the week (same children who are announced in assembly)

Parent mail

Via email

·       Specific information that relates to an event/change an additional piece of information that we need to share with you


·       All key dates (same as newsletter)

·       Contact information for all staff

·       Curriculum information

·       Club information (same as sent out termly)

·       Weekly review from teachers (same as home learning book)

·       All policies

The website is a fountain of knowledge, but no changes or extra information needed will be added to the website without informing people

Home learning book

Weekly by class teachers

·       The weekly update (same as on website) which has everything covered

·       Homework activities

·       Parent voice ( a space to write in)

Ravenstone entitlement document

Sent out via parent mail at the beginning of every term (also stored on website)

·       The dates for trips, internal visit and themed days taking place that term and contribution cost

Club document

Sent out via parent mail at the beginning of every term (also stored on website)

·       Club offer taking place that term

Teachers and support staff

When needed

·       Everything classroom based

·       Academic progress and attainment

·       Social and personal development

·       Curriculum questions

Minor accident

If your child has an accident and needs minor first aid you will receive an email with details from an online program we use called medical tracker.

·       An update on if a minor injury occurs

Head or serious injury

Phone call

·       To inform you of the situation


As and when

·       To provide pictures and updates of our wonderful school in action

Text messages

A text sent to the primary phone number supplied to the school

·       We will use text messages for a number of reasons. This could include reminders about school uniform, punctuality and alerting you to a behaviour incident.



Protocol for gaining information and who to talk to when


Type of Query

Who to contact


Mr O'Kane 


Miss Stanislaus

Any issues relating to your child

Class Teacher - All staff emails can be found on our website under contacts 


As above if you do not feel the issue has been resolved or you need more advice

Stage 1 – Head of Phase

Stage 2 – Mr Whitehead – Deputy Head or

Miss Stanislaus – Assistant Head

Stage 3 – Mr O'Kane

Any issues relating to other children in the class

Class Teacher or Phase Leader as applicable (please do not approach other parents regarding concerns)


Mrs Gilroy

Parent mail, Payments/Finance, attendance (including requests for leave)

Mrs Patel – Front Office

Nursery 30 hour code, DBS clearance

Front Office

Information around the hive (our autistic hub)

Geraint Davies - Assistant Headteacher

Inclusion/special needs

Assistant Head – Inclusion (Miss Stanislaus)

Specific curriculum questions

Mr Whitehead or lead teachers: Mr Westland (maths), Miss Duckworth (reading), writing (TBC)

Fundraising suggestions

Chairs of Friends of Ravenstone

Parent reps

Parent reps are linked to Friends of Ravenstone and are useful contacts to make in order to help strengthen the community. Parent reps often set up class Whatsapp and email groups which parents can join.



Response times and expectations around communication

All staff will endeavour to respond via email, book a meeting or get back to you as soon a possible however this could take up to 5 working days.

As per out wellbeing and workload policy staff are also not permitted to respond to emails at the weekend, during school holidays or after 5:30. They are also not permitted to hold unplanned meetings in the playground after school where a parent wishes to raise concerns or ask in depth questions.



At Ravenstone we aim to be a cashless school for many events and payments. Our main payment system is via parent mail

Parents will need to set up an account via the school office and make all payments via this system. Cash to the school office should not be sent in and will be returned.

Payment item


School dinners

If you choose for your child to have school dinners, this payment will be made via parent mail.

Ravenstone entitlement

At the start of every term teachers will organise all trips, themed days and internal visits and will associate a cost to fund this. This optional charge will be set up on parent mail.

School journey

During year 3 and 6 the children will experience a residential. Payments will be organised by the school office

Charity events

Occasionally we will organise charity events where cash will be used

FoR events

All FoR events organised will be cash based


Trips and Ravenstone entitlement

As a school we base our school trips around guidance from Wandsworth that can be found here

Key parts to this policy and our practise are below;


  • For the majority of trips we will not be asking parents to complete a written consent form for children to go on trips. We take the view that all children will be attending trips unless you opt out.


  • We will continue to outline the dates so you know when trips will take place at the start of term


  • We will risk assess it fully (this is signed off by governors and the local authority)


  • At times we will write to you with any specific instructions.


  • If at any point you do not wish for your child to attend an external trip, please do let the class teacher know.