Useful Links

Useful Links

Ravenstone Primary School

Drop off and Collection Times



Parents/carers can drop off to their child’s year door (see map below). Children are welcome into class between the following times:


Year 1 & 2

Between 08.30 and 08.40am

Between 08:30 and 08:45

Year 3 - 6 Between 08:30 and 08:45
Nursery Between 08:45 and 09:00
Hive Drop off is at 08:45 

If your child arrives at school after the times shown above, they must be brought to the School Office to sign in. They will be marked as late.


Dismissal times are as below:

Nursery 15:00 - Elmfield Road Zone (Nursery Gate)
Reception 15:10 - Elmfield Road Zone
Year 1 & 2 15:10 - Ravenstone Street Zone
Year 3 & 4 15:15 - Elmfield Road Zone
Year 5 & 6 15:15 - Ravenstone Street Zone
Hive 15:00 - Ravenstone Street Zone


Siblings will be dismissed with their year group, and not earlier.


FRONT GATE CLOSING TIMES:   Mornings 8:45am.   Afternoons 15:30

BACK GATE CLOSING TIMES:  Mornings 09:00am.  Afternoons 15:30

































