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Ravenstone Primary School

Community Spirit


Ravenstone's community spirit is a program built into key stage two where children will apply for and take up key roles and responsibilities across the school. Teachers and staff will organise these roles and allocate time each week for children to take part in good deeds or opportunities to do good and help others around the school.

Alongside developing our core values the aim for the community spirit is to develop children confidence, articulation, independence, responsibility, understanding of being 'business minded' and to think about the bigger picture while challenging themselves as individuals and as a group.

Our current Community Spirit roles and their job descriptions are as followed;


Job description and person specification



Early years readers

To read with the children in early years and to help them develop a love of reading.

- Organised

- Passion for reading

- Enjoys working with younger children

- Helpful and kind 

- Reliable

- Lives our school values



School ambassadors 

To be part of open days and tours to show parents around the school

- Articulate

- Confident

- Proud of the school

- Organised

- Dedicated

- Reliable

- Lives our school values



Peer mentors

To be active at lunchtime to help structure play

- Organised

- Enjoys working with younger children

- Helpful and kind 

- Creative with play

- Reliable

- Lives our school values



Peer Mediators

To help resolve disagreements in the playground

- Organised

- Enjoys working with younger children

- Helpful and kind 

- Creative with play

- Able to resolve conflict

- Reliable

- Lives our school values



Lost property

To organise the lost property

- Caring

- Organised

- Proactive

- Structured

- Reliable

- Lives our school values



Lunch time heroes

To be in the lunch hall and support the younger children

- Organised

- Passion for helping younger children learn new routines

- Enjoys working with younger children

- Helpful and kind 

- Reliable

- Lives our school values



Officer helpers

To support in the office with deliveries, messages and organisation

- Articulate

- Able to think on the spot

- Communicates well

- Knowledgeable of the school

- Supportive of others

- Can follow instructions

- Reliable

- Lives our school values




To develop and maintain the school gardens

- Cares about the school grounds

- Has a knowledge of plants

- Creative

- Organised

- Reliable

- Lives our school values



Charity organiser

To lead all charity events across the school

- Able to organise others

- Good with finances

- Ability to think creatively

- Organised

- Reliable

- Lives our school values



Sport leaders

To support with all sporting events

- Passion for sport

- Creative with new ideas

- Gets the best out of people

- Organised

- Able to organise others

- Reliable

- Lives our school values



Journalists (school newspaper)

To produce the school newspaper once a term

- Passion for news

- Creative and organised with ideas

- Able to work/manage others

- Articulate

- Passion/ability for writing

- Reliable

- Lives our school values



New joiners

To take the role of meeting with any children who join the school to check that they are ok

- Caring and kind

- Good knowledge of the school

- Enjoys meeting new people

- Reliable

- Lives our school values



Classroom helpers

To help teachers every morning

- Punctual and organised

- Enjoys working with adults

- Wants to improve the school

- Dedicated

- Reliable

- Lives our school values



Library leaders

To organise the library

- passion for reading

- Creative in new thinking

- Organised

- Able to manage stock

- Reliable

- Lives our school values




Community spirit – Application Form – September 2023

Deadline for all applications is Monday 25th September and must be handed to the adult leading the project. The submission must be completed on this form (one additional attached form is permitted) and sealed within envelop with the title of the role clearly on the front.

Job interviews will be carried out by the adult leading the group throughout the week commencing 2nd October.

Decisions will then be made and the roles will start on the 9th October.

Job applied for



Your Name



Your Class



Please describe why you are applying for this role

















Please describe why you are suitable for this job and how you meet the job description.










































Sign and date